Buy Now The KVM over IP access technology encompass the keyboard, video or mouse (KVM) signals from any computer or server over the TCP/IP via…

Buy Now Market overview Cobots, or collaborative robots, are designed to aid human beings for specific tasks, which are highly complex in nature and require…

Buy Now File integrity monitoring is a specific technology that has an internal control or process for monitoring & detecting changes in the files by…

Buy Now Product Overview Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) software is a combination of cutting-edge computing and machine learning technology. This AI app converts raw data into…

Buy Now Earth observation satellites are specific satellite, which are specially designed for non-military purposes, for instance assessing the damage during natural disasters, surface geological…

Buy Now The MEMS magnetic field sensor is a small-scale micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) device for detecting and gauging the magnetic fields. Several of…

Buy Now IoT is an internet-associated network of physical devices, sensors and countless machines for authoritative communication of information. In assessment to standard structures it…

Buy Now Major players in the artificial intelligence market are Google, IBM, Baidu, Microsoft, Apple Inc., Ipsoft, NVIDIA Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd, and Micro Strategy…

Buy Now Wearable technology is an emergent trend that integrates electronics into daily activities and fits into the transforming lifestyles, and it can be worn…