Buy Now The 5G wireless mobile services allow a fully mobile and connected environment by providing a broad range of usage cases and business models…

Buy Now The Cloud supply chain management is all about managing the supply chain cycle within an organization that is available in stretchy locations, with…

Buy Now The Infrared light-emitting diode symbolizes the SSL (solid-state lighting) apparatus that discharges light in the electromagnetic radiation spectrum’s infrared range. In its place…

Buy Now 4K denotes to 4,000 pixels in numerous digital horizontal resolution formats which are primarily used for shelling motion pictures. The amplified pixel size…

Buy Now The Virtual Reality or VR is a digitally created experience where a three-dimensional (3D) environment is simulated with the real-world. This technology offers…

Buy Now The Extended reality (XR) encompasses abundant novel technologies, counting virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality. Although the interest for augmented…

Buy Now The RFID technology has been in utilize for countless years now; however, the present growth in its applications across a broad set of…

Buy Now The Radio frequency identification (RFID) denotes to the technology, which utilizes the radio frequency electromagnetic fields or electrostatic fields to recognize objects carrying…

Buy Now Artificial intelligence is the ability of a robot, which is controlled by a computer to do various tasks that are usually done by…